Saturday, January 14, 2012

What are your thoughts on Breed Specific Legislation?

I'm not sure how I feel, but I don't like Pit Bulls. To kill off an entire dog breed bothers me though. It has been done in other countries.What are your thoughts on Breed Specific Legislation?
Eh, not so sure...pitties can be sweet when grown up the proper way, but still you cant get away from the reality where there are very agressive pitbulls. Honestly they will have it hard if they try to kill them off, there are soo many of them mixed with other breeds and abandoned ones.
how do you feel about genocide?What are your thoughts on Breed Specific Legislation?
I think its a little retarded.

I think if you met Hanna (bf's pit x boxer), Lisa (friend's pit x rottie) or bubbles (friend's pit) then you would change your mind completely.

My chi mix looks like Lucifer compared to them.

I'm pretty sure most people are more for Dangerous Dog Act which got rid of dogs that actually did show aggression and bit people whether they were pit bulls or golden retrievers.
its bull... its discrimination to dog %26amp; owner, double bull. Pit bulls hold a strong place in our countries history... BSL is unpatriotic!!!!What are your thoughts on Breed Specific Legislation?
Most pits are really nice dogs... and since pit bulls aren't a breed, they're a street type, even BSL is ineffective against them, unless you want to enforce it against every dog with a bully-face and a smooth coat, like the British.

BSL is inherently unjust, canine racist activism. I like the AKC's slogan, "Hate the Deed, not the Breed."
It's no more right to kill animals based on their "breed" than it is to kill humans based on "race". Same logic goes for any decision. "Breed" and "Race" are just societies ways of putting different looking individuals into easy to manage categories, usually based on ancestry. Favoring or harming an animal based on their breed is just plain asinine.
it is genocide

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