Saturday, January 14, 2012

What events led to the legislation of Planned Parenthood v. Casey?

I am using the court case as legislation on abortion and I would not know what to put for what led to this legiatlation... what is the background of it because i just got confused when i looked up the court case.What events led to the legislation of Planned Parenthood v. Casey?
The plaintiffs were five abortion clinics and a class action of physicians who provide abortion services, in addition to one physician representing himself independently. They filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania to enjoin the state from enforcing the five provisions and have them declared facially unconstitutional.The Pennsylvania legislature amended its abortion control law in 1988 and 1989 to include these 5 provisions

The five provisons were:
*The "informed consent" rule under the Act required doctors to provide women with information about the health risks and possible complications of having an abortion before one could be performed.
*The "spousal notification" rule required women to give prior notice to their husbands.
*The "parental consent" rule required minors to receive consent from a parent or guardian prior to an abortion.
*The fourth provision imposed a 24-hour waiting period before obtaining an abortion.
*The fifth provision challenged in the case was the imposition of certain reporting requirements on facilities providing abortion services.

Five provisions of the Pennsylvania Abortion Control Act authored by Rep. Stephen F. Freind[1] were being challenged as unconstitutional under Roe v. Wade, which first recognized a constitutional right to have an abortion in the liberty protected by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth AmendmentWhat events led to the legislation of Planned Parenthood v. Casey?
Btw, There is another side of the abortion story that the right wing purposely shields us from seeing. Pre Roe v. Wade, authorities never pulled dead or mangled rich women from back allies. The affluent had their doctors arrange their "miscarriage” in the comfort and safety of their office. By contrast, the poor suffered many indignities and sometimes died like dogs in the gutter.

In the days before Roe v. Wade there were rumors of home made concoctions that would induce an abortion. Many did nothing, some made women sick, some deformed the baby and sometimes those concoctions were lethal. I shudder to think how many of those dangerous concoctions would be floating around on the internet if abortions were again made illegal.

Another problem before Roe v. Wade was how restrictive it was in some areas of the country. Some areas made it so illegal a doctor could be imprisoned for performing and abortion. As a result, there are known cases of doctors refusing to touch women that were victims of a miscarriage. Instead, the doctor would call an ambulance to take them to a hospital. As a result, some women bled to death right in the doctor’s office.

Fast forwarding to today, many people have forgotten or are to young to know what it was like back then. However, many politicians are old enough and very well know what it was like. Much like their tobacco industry buddies, the party of the rich (republican) could care less if we live or die. The tobacco companies want our money and the GOP wants our votes.

That’s the reality of right wing politics.What events led to the legislation of Planned Parenthood v. Casey?
No such legislation exists. Court cases are NOT legislation no matter how badly you want to make them so.

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