Monday, January 23, 2012

Is text messaging legislation justifiable while driving a car?

Yes, it deters busy fingers.

No, it is a feel good law.Is text messaging legislation justifiable while driving a car?
The problem I have is once you allow them to start making small elements of life illegal, this invites them to find more.

What next I can't eat while I'm driving? I agree it's dangerous but I'm also worried once we allow these tiny elements to become criminal, it just opens the door for more. We should be working on removing laws, not creating more as time progresses.

Also texting is done on the down low, it's not like you're texting by your ear where it's visible. It also concerns me when laws are made to be broken, I think we have enough of those. There's no way for a cop to see if you're texting in your car, it would be baseless and yet another way to be pulled over for no reason.

Officer: Oh I thought you were texting, sorry about that but what's that on your backseat, step out of the car.

You can't create a law when there's no way to enforce the law. Unless cops have x-ray glasses now and can see you texting through your car.

Passing this law basically would give the police the right to pull you over for simply holding a cell phone, checking the time, it all could be interpreted as "texting".
When driving, you're supposed to pay attention, not yapping on the phone or texting nonsense to your friends.Is text messaging legislation justifiable while driving a car?
no dumb butt dont be silly
What's really bad is that laws like these are needed. People are just too damn stupid to know that you should not be texting while driving.Is text messaging legislation justifiable while driving a car?
I agree with Joe B. There's nothing I have against the law itself right now (except it's really not stopping anyone), but give them an inch and they'll take your freedom. (I know it's not the saying, but it's what they'll do)
As you say.... nothing fails like prayer. It's better to have a law that prevents potential accidents than prayer for those who were killed.

Freedom is an illusion, anyway.
The penalties should be the same as for drunk driving. Totally justified.

If you are driving - you should be paying attention to the road - not texting.

I think texting and cell phone yapping should be treated like drunk driving.

The last two accidents I was in was caused by cell phone yappers not paying attention.

According to the National Safety Council, distracted drivers cause more than a third of all automobile accidents.

I can think of few things that make a driver more distracted than texting. Yes, changing the radio or programming a GPS can also be distracting, but your eyes are more on the road than when texting, where you are looking away for extended periods of time.

Video of accident while driver is texting:鈥?/a>
It really is redundant.

Texting falls under the category of driving while distracted.

That's already on the books and covers a heck of a lot more.

Since driving is a privilege and not a right, the law is not infringing on anyone's rights.

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